Ensemble Clustering.

Ensemble clustering aims to combine multiple clustering together to get a better consensus clustering. Here, I will present the main approaches, and how evaluation is performed. I will introduce some reflection about scoring and diversity.

May 23, 23

Tags: machine learning unsupervised clustering ensemble

Clustering algorithms

A short introduction to clustering algorithms and their related problems. Disclaimer - this is not an introduction to KMeans or DBSCAN, here, the main concept and evaluation strategies are presented.

May 23, 23

Tags: machine learning clustering black box understanding

Information Theory Cheat Sheet

Here we (try to) explain and illustrate information theory common formula.

Apr 01, 23

Tags: entropy information theory Shannon

Distance, Divergence, and Similarity - A Cheat Sheet

When you read around thousand of papers a year, you become aware that there are many ways to measure distance or similarity between stuff. They do not apply to the same object, the same data-structure, so this variety is necessary.

Mar 01, 23

Tags: distance metric loss similarity divergence scoring

Writing is not that easy

Writing is hard. It is not as easy as pressing the "enter" button to publish your post. It requires more than writing down a bunch of ideas. People cannot read in our mind, therefore we need to organize ideas in a coherent way, around a red line or a story. Additionally, finishing everything requires commitment, checking everything, arranging stuff in a nice way. Nevertheless, even if it is really time consuming, you learn plenty of stuff.

Feb 02, 23

Tags: tech writting blog being famous

Napoleon X Challenge - Final presentation

I got invited to the Collège de France to present the results. Here is the recorded video.

Jan 01, 23

Tags: Machine Learning Time Series Cryptocurrencies

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