I have a PhD in Computer Science, and I am also an Engineer and an Inventor.
My main areas of expertise are Machine Learning and Data science, where I am specialized in graph analysis and visualization.
I have 6 years of expertise in Machine Learning.
(Left=high, Right=low)
Programming: Python, Ocaml, Latex/Pandoc, Javascript/NodeJS, Lua, C, Lisp
Databases: Neo4J, Redis, SQL
Topics of Interest: Algorithms, Machine Learning, Graphs, Security, Time Series, Biometry, Distributed computing, Recommander Systems, Dark data.
Languages: French, English, Spanish, Japanese, Tokipona
Coding Challenges:
Others: Two patents published, one pending.
Tech Hobbies: Laser Cutting, Arduino, Raspberry, MagTag
Non-Tech Hobbies:
- Leatherworks (made bags, belts, keychains, steering wheel cover, …)
- Woodworking (carving in the round, laser cutting)
- Chocolate maker (I may have 10kg of chocolate at home waiting for me !)
- Poï and Staff Juggling (Best way to relax in Fall)
- Swimming (Best way to relax in summer)
- Piano (Best way to relax on a rainy day)
If you want to know more about my hobbies and creation, have a look at my other website
Go to the contact page
My History
Quick links:
(Click on the figure lines to get directly to the corresponding paragraph.)
Professional Path
(from present to past)
(2019 ~ today) Research Engineer (Suresnes).
- Automated scientific watch
- Predictive Maintenance
- Malware detection
- Biometry
- Graph analysis and community detection
- Ensemble learning
- Patents
- Scientific watch: developed tools for scientific papers analysis (PhD work)
- Predictive Maintenance: analyzed time series to predict terminal failures and items to be repaired
- Malware detection: Created ML algorithms for explainable malware classification
- Cryptocurrency: Taught how cryptocurrency works, how the network is organized, and how transaction are processed
- Biometry:
- Palm Vein Biometry: Security analysis of a solution
- Voice biometry: studied state of the art algorithms for voice generation and user recognition
- Repport of Behavioral and continuous biometry on smartphone
- IoT 4.0: Summer School on automated programming
(2017 ~ 2019) Research Engineer, Keymetrics (Paris).
- Time series analysis
- Cross-correlation
- Point process
- CUSUM and online error detection algorithm
- NodeJS monitoring
- Machine Learning
- Feature engineering
- Predictive maintenance
- Created process for time series clustering and embedding: Developed outlier-resistant features for time series representation and clustering.
- Created a memory leak detection algorithm.
(2017) Research Engineer, Wallix (Paris).
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Security x Machine Learning: Intrusion detection systems (IDS)
- Cryptography
- H2020 project initiator: Applying for H2020 projects. Organizing meeting with potential partners, built the application file. Obtained three grants.
- Learned about Homomorphic and functional encryption
- Implemented a Spam filtering module with extended trees and neural networks
- Studied Hidden Markov Models and Conditional Random Fields
(2016-2017) “Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire”. 3 months internship (Paris).
This transition internship was dedicated to learning algorithms in AI and Machine Learning.
- Classical AI algorithms (BFS / DFS, greedy algorithms)
- Machine learning algorithms:
- Support Vector Machine
- Conditional Random Field
- Hidden Markov Model
- Developed skills in efficient algorithms writing in Ocaml
- Reached level 6 on FranceIoI (French platform for algorithm training)
(2016) M2 Internship (Palaiseau).
Modeling influence of temperature over materials for passive building monitoring.
Use of time series analysis and statistical methods.
- Statistics
- Time series analysis
- Cross-correlation analysis
- Gaussian process
- Performed analysis of temperature - dilatation time series using cross correlation analysis, Gaussian process, and de-trending. (scope: non-intruisive building monitoring)
- Made an interactive Web server for computing and displaying results on demand with
Institue for Molecular Science (IMS)
(2015) M1 Internship (Okazaki, Japan)
Modeling Infrared properties of molecule using DFT.
- Molecular modeling
- Numerical simmulation
Studied two organics molecules with supposed visible transition spectrum.
Use a large computing cluster.
PhD Thesis
(2018 ~ 2022) PhD student at ENS (École Normale Supérieure de Paris). Financed by Ingenico.
Supervisor: David Naccache.
Link to the thesis: Connecting Graphs to Machine Learning
Link to [my publications(/Research.html)
- Machine Learning
- Graphs
- Scientific watch
- Recommander systems
- Data Visualization
Tools for performing scientific watch:
- Automated cluster classification
- Topic analysis
- Trend monitoring and evaluation
(2015- 2016) “Science of Nano-Object and Materials”. M2 at UPMC (Universitée Pierre et Marie Curie).
- Quantum physics
- Condensed matter physics & chemistry:
- Magnetism
- Semiconductors
- Electronical properties
- Optical properties
- Computational Chemistry
(2013-2016) Chimie ParisTech (Paris).
Top Chemistry engineering school.
Diploma awarded in 2016.
- Thermodynamic
- Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Modeling and Simulation
- Quantum chemistry
- Cristallography
- Chemistry and interfaces
- Chemical risks
Prep Classes
(2011-2013) Preparatory classes in Biology (BCPST, Tours).
- Biology
- Genetics
- Cell organization
- Biological development
- Photosynthesis and Krebs cycles
- Plants growth and organization
- Geology
- Ecology
- Maths:
- Probabilities
- Algebra
- Calculus
- Differential equations
- Programming
- Physics and Chemistry:
- Thermodynamic
- Electricity
- Optics
- The different state of matter
- Organic chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry