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This is a test.

For testing my new website, this is a post which enable me to look at the rendering. I try to write a long sentence so hopefully, this would make a paragraph. However, this is quite time consumming to create.


Here is a list:

  • A
  • B
  • C

And a numero list:

  1. A
  2. C

And another list to see if letter bullet works, but it does not:

a. The cat b. The dog c. The frog

Level 1 heading

And some text

Level 2 heading

And some text

Level 3

And some text

Level 4

And some text

Level 5

And some text

Latex formula: 1

\[A = BC + \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1)\]

With bold and italics and both

One quote

A two level quote

:::::::::::::: {.columns} ::: {.column width=”50%”}

Two columns.

  • Identification biométrique 1:N
  • Séparation biométrie - identité (ISO 24745)

::: ::: {.column width=”50%”}

The second column.

::: ::::::::::::::

Text under the column

Columns only works with beamer…


This is code in one line

def myfunction(args):
    return args


An image caption invisible

An image with visible caption The caption is visible and under

This is something after the caption, with normal style (<em>)



A link to nowhere

About images with jekyll + Markdown

For bibtex bibliography


  1. My latex link 

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